Thursday 11 December 2014


A tire pressure gauge is an instrument which is used to check the pressure of the tires of vehicles. it is very important to keep the pressure of the tires at the specified amount as they are rated for specific loads at a given pressure. But nowadays all the cars are having in-built tire pressure sensors which check the pressure of all four tires simultaneously inside the car.

Four types of pressure gauge are available in the market depending on the accuracy-

Stick gauge: a stick gauge is a tube having a rod sliding inside it. These are small in size but not much accurate.

Analog gauge: these dial gauges can be used from a distance, just like inflating the tire. They are more accurate than stick gauge but less portable.

Digital gauge: these gauges are easy to use and give more accurate and fast results but they need battery power to operate and can give wrong readings if battery lows.

Tyre monitor sensors: some vehicles have in-built automatic tire pressure monitor sensors (tpms) with which they can inflate on their own. These sensors give the actual tire pressure reading to the driver of the automobile. However this system can be installed both at factory level and as an aftermarket way out. Installed tpms to the automobile ensures your safety as it constantly measure the tire pressure which reduces the chances of accidents in relation to tire pressure. a large number of options are available online to install the tpms to get secured enough.